
Schick test

noun \ˈshik-\

Definition of SCHICK TEST

:  a test for susceptibility to diphtheria by cutaneous injection of a diluted diphtheria toxin that causes an area of reddening and induration in susceptible individuals


Béla Schick
First Known Use: 1916
Medical Dictionary

Schick test

noun \ˈshik-\

Medical Definition of SCHICK TEST

:  a serological test for susceptibility to diphtheria by cutaneous injection of a diluted diphtheria toxin that causes an area of reddening and induration in susceptible individuals

Biographical Note for SCHICK TEST

Schick, Béla (1877–1967), American pediatrician. In 1913 Schick announced his development of the Schick test for susceptibility to diphtheria. The test was a safe, reliable method of detection that eliminated the unnecessary use of sera with serious side effects.


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